
Thursday, April 14, 2005

HaShem, Homos, and Hell

Well-written article about the perils of (a) being gay or (b) reparative therapy.

Thursday, April 07, 2005

Bio 597 Writing 1

Assignment: State your theoretical orientation (I agree with the courts' decisions about Terri Schiavo OR I disagree with the courts' decisions about Terri Schiavo), then write 50 words or less arguing for the OPPOSITE side.


I disagree with the courts’ decisions about Terri Schiavo.

This is not about life. This is about continuing a poor imitation of it against the wishes of the person involved. Terri Schiavo should never have had the feeding tube inserted to begin with, having expressed a desire to avoid heroic measures, and to argue about her condition only obfuscates the point, which is that the woman should be allowed to die with a little dignity already.

Wednesday, April 06, 2005

Seen on 18th St

An old gray Honda Accord, model year 1990 or so, with the following license plate:


and the following little plastic thing aroung the plate:

Cincinnati College of Mortuary Science
Cincinnati, Ohio

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