
Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Babies, "ABABABABAAAAA," and Boobs, Lots of Boobs: La Leche League Returns

Under what other possible circumstances can you go to the public library and sit for an hour and a half in a room and listen to people talk openly and enthusiastically, with complete strangers, about their nipples? I like it because I can talk my broke-ass Oaxacan Spanish to the little blond babies and tell them how bonito they are.

Monday, August 08, 2005

Stuff seen on/out the window of the COTA bus yesterday

1. My own reflection in the window (by which I mean "in other people's hair grease")
2. The cutest non-Caleb baby ever in life, who was 10 months old, passed out in her mother's arms, and possessed of the most adorable foofy little ponytails. Sigh. Sometimes I just want to put Caleb in a tiny ruffly pink dress with shiny ribbons in his hair . . .
3. Chewing gum. Lots and lots of chewing gum.
4. Cutest-Non-Caleb-Baby's dad, a guy with cornrows, approximately 47 million piercings (and that's just the visible ones), big muscles, a shirt to show them off, and a cross tattoo that read ' "Feel" HIS Pain? '.
5. A minor car accident that featured lots of yelling, swearing, middle-fingering, and finally the escape of one of the parties involved, leading Cutest-Non-Caleb-Baby's mom to comment "Holy fucking shit, what the fuck?!"
6. Massive internal giggling caused by the joyous recognition that I am not the only parent in the world who cusses a blue streak around her baby.
7. The most ambiguous sentence in the world, for the third week running:


8. A sign outside a store: "FREE Pen Inspections!" Bus driver's comment: "I could do that. 'Gimme your pen.' Scribble scribble scribble. Does it write? 'Naw. That don't pass inspection. Get another one. Next?' Charge a penny, make a fortune that way. 'Yeah, that pass inspection. Aren't you glad you hired me?' "
9. The easy camaraderie of the people surrounding someone who has just vomited.

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